Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Goddamn Internet Part 1: mostly about gay people


I would like to begin my long, drawn out thesis paper-esque blog post with an examination of the above statement. In real life, there is now way in hell I could get away with saying any of that... It was conceited, it wasn't very funny, and it was in all caps. I mean, caps lock doesn't even exist in real life... Crazy right? For god sakes, I made a joke about brains exploding... Poor taste if there ever was. Did you know that brains exploding is one of the leading causes of death in this country?

What's more disturbing? This picture, or the fact that there are 2,950,000 search results for "head exploding" on google images?
Okay, so come to think of it, what I said wasn't all that bad. The image of your parents picking up skull fragments is funny in a very morbid and disgusting way, and my finger may have just slipped and hit caps lock by accident. But how about this?

Now time for another dazzling segment of Evan Disects the God Forsaken Stupidity of People he'll Never Meet Because He's Really Bored! Or EDtGFSoPhNMHRB for you regular viewers out there!

So first off, right off the bat, this is homophobic. In my experience, there are essentially three arguments for why we should all stone the gays:

1.The Five Year Old Argument: It's Icky! The Five Year Old Counterargument: So are girls!

Let's face the facts here, pretty much everything we human beings do, especially the things of a sexual nature, are icky. The book "Everybody Poops" is a bestseller because it teaches young children that its okay to be icky, with obligatory pictures of children of every race and gender sitting on the crap just to nail that "we're all human and we all defecate" point right on home. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some people think Ice Cream is icky. WHA?!?!?! But the song even says WE ALL scream for Ice Cream! Are you telling me not everybody poops now too? No, I am not, just driving home a point. If you find homosexuality even slightly icky, good for you. You're straight, congratu-freakin-lations. Nobody is going to make you participate (unless you're in prison). We all have genders we don't prefer to have sex with, just like we all don't like certain foods that other people think are the greatest shit since fried cockroaches. (You thought I'd say sliced bread, didn't you?)

Mmmmmmmmmm.... Delicioso!

2.The "I read the whoooole Bible, so I am in fact god now" argument: "If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death." Leviticus 20:13.

The "I read the whoooole Bible (but mostly wikipedia), so I am in fact god now" counter-argument: "Judge not lest ye be judged." Matthew 7:1

So yeah, the Bible, which is clearly the only source of any true morality for the entire human race(/sarcasm), says that dudes who "lie with" other dudes are an abomination! So lesbians are okay right? But seriously, I've got absolutely nothing against the Bible. I have a lot against people who use it to justify their own prejudices, but nothing against the Bible, Christianity, or Judaism. But the Bible, in all its genre bending, triple A special effects glory, has a few chapters that are basically just lists. Leviticus is one of them, and in this case a list of itinerary laws to complement the big ten. Now, most of these laws have become extremely archaic, seeing as they were meant for a group of people who were living in tents in the desert over 4,000 years ago (BS guesstimate alert!). The most preposperous and recited to death by liberal pinkos like me "law" is the one that says you have to burn your house down if there is mold in it. Now I'm not saying Leviticus is necessarily wrong at all, but if you're homophobic because of the bible, you must burn your house down right now or else you are a complete hypocrite. I'm using your logic here, not mine. In XXXX B.C., they didn't have the refined "protection" we have today, so its certainly possible God's decree was a "ahem" cleanliness issue. Second, those crazy goat-sexing heathens ruined everything for everybody back in those days, so pretty much everything they did that wasn't absolutely necessary to the survival of a human being was banned in one way or another. But most importantly of all, this is the Old Testament. And while the Old Testament is still considered the supreme holy text by the Jewish, it's not them who are famous for gay-bashing. Both parts of the bible (especially the Jesus ones) are full of stories and laws about how we as human beings are not equipped to judge other human beings for anything. Only god does that. Even if (he?) was anti-gay back in the day, who knows how he feels about this new humanity without any modern stone tablets showing up in sewers and stuff. God's allowed to change his mind, he does it in the bible A LOT. Not because he was wrong the first time, but because God's got to adjust for each generation as we slowly stop screwing goats and such (for the most part), and move on to more noble pursuits like...? And if I'm wrong, I'm going to get real with you here for a second. If God sends people to fire and brimstone for LOVE, in any of its forms, that is not a God I have any interest in serving. Send me down to hell with them.

3. The "All Gays are Serial Killers, therefore we should kill them all, preferably in a series" argument: The above post.

The "All Gays are Serial Killers, therefore we should kill them all, preferably in a series" argument: ... (Kills self)

And here is where I stop blabbing about my beliefs on Homosexuality, and get to the actual topic at hand: the Internet. When we "connected the world", we couldn't see that giving anyone in the world an audience and anonymity gives them free reins to say whatever thought pops into the deepest recesess of their dark, dark, stupid psyche. It is for that reason that I write this blog under my real name. But people think that evil, stupidity, and general perversion is okay if its "not really you". sure, we all have dark thoughts from time to time (I'm having one about your mom right now! ZING!). There was this guy Freud who found out that the great majority of these dark thoughts are just natural animal instincts we haven't quite evolved past yet. And thats okay. But then somebody invented a collective mind for the entire human race, and all of the dark, stupid thoughts came with it. People don't filter on the internet because there's no reason for them to, they think its all free of consequence. And yet, members from the biggest cesspool of all (4chan) have time and time again found people's real Ip addresses, where they live, work, and relax, and used it to asshole them right back. They even brought a pedophile to justice in a sting where they pretended to be a teenage girl. These are basically a collection of very bored teenage boys. They post porn, swear like nobody's business, and racist and sexist the hell out of everyone who will listen. But even THEY have morals. So you see my friends, there IS a filter. Surely the last ten or so years have desensitized us humans to a lot of things through the internet, and our generation has been raised on it, but there's still justice for people who go beyond the beyond and actually act on their dark thoughts instead of just posting them in all caps. So no, I don't think the internet is the end of the world, just a new look at the one that was always there. The internet is to a trained mind, an unfiltered and unabridged truth of what the human race is up to, and I think in its own way, that's kind fo beautiful. So I hope my post has been somewhat enlightening. I'm not done talking about the internet, but hopefully you'll see it from a new perspective until I post again. But yeah, it's getting late and I still have homework to do, so Bonsuoir for now Dear Readers.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Obligatory "So I Started a blog" post

So I started a blog, it seemed like an interesting idea, and usually when I ramble in person it ends up making absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever. So this way, I can organize my thoughts into a more coherent but no less crazy weird form. Also, I'm kind of a needy attention whore. Mostly that.

For the uninitiated, the title of this blog is a reference to an inside joke beaten so far beyond death that it has now risen again like Christ on Easter Sunday and attained comedic immortality. Basically, it's the Jesus of inside jokes, and it lives inside every one of us... (That's enough religion mockery for today folks! Wouldn't want to get smited after only one post now would we?)

If you are the rare reader who doesn't go to school with me and inevitably get this blog shoved down your throat like... (can't think of any analogies here that don't involve blowjobs, moving on) My Parents ARE in fact actors, and I fancy myself to be somewhat of one as well (winks and recites Hamlet, all of the women in the room pass out). They met while doing an Internship program at the Alliance Theater in Atlanta Georgia. So if it weren't for acting, not only would I have nothing to do with my life, but I would not exist, and you would be robbed of this delightful reading material. Also, you'd all probably be Nazi Lizards or something, because messing with the timeline does those sort of things... Also, my Dad made out with Jennifer Garner in a play before she was famous, which is the greatest annoying story to bring up ever.

What has your father accomplished?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this blog. I will most likely be pretty lazy about updating it, unless it becomes popular, in which case I will milk it for everything it's got. At the very least it will give you some insight into the mind of the enigma-wrapped mystery that is Evan Amadeus-Skywalker O'Reilly. Most of the posts will be silly things like this where I try really hard to be funny, and probably fail. But every now and then there will be a serious post if I feel like taking down the humor shield and opening up about something important, interesting, or otherwise emotionally relevant. Also, I make Youtube videos and am starting a band, and I will shamelessly plug them here. Speaking of which...
Warning: your IQ will drop several points if you watch these, but you will also know the nature of true beauty. So you know, choices...