Friday, April 3, 2009

The Obligatory "So I Started a blog" post

So I started a blog, it seemed like an interesting idea, and usually when I ramble in person it ends up making absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever. So this way, I can organize my thoughts into a more coherent but no less crazy weird form. Also, I'm kind of a needy attention whore. Mostly that.

For the uninitiated, the title of this blog is a reference to an inside joke beaten so far beyond death that it has now risen again like Christ on Easter Sunday and attained comedic immortality. Basically, it's the Jesus of inside jokes, and it lives inside every one of us... (That's enough religion mockery for today folks! Wouldn't want to get smited after only one post now would we?)

If you are the rare reader who doesn't go to school with me and inevitably get this blog shoved down your throat like... (can't think of any analogies here that don't involve blowjobs, moving on) My Parents ARE in fact actors, and I fancy myself to be somewhat of one as well (winks and recites Hamlet, all of the women in the room pass out). They met while doing an Internship program at the Alliance Theater in Atlanta Georgia. So if it weren't for acting, not only would I have nothing to do with my life, but I would not exist, and you would be robbed of this delightful reading material. Also, you'd all probably be Nazi Lizards or something, because messing with the timeline does those sort of things... Also, my Dad made out with Jennifer Garner in a play before she was famous, which is the greatest annoying story to bring up ever.

What has your father accomplished?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this blog. I will most likely be pretty lazy about updating it, unless it becomes popular, in which case I will milk it for everything it's got. At the very least it will give you some insight into the mind of the enigma-wrapped mystery that is Evan Amadeus-Skywalker O'Reilly. Most of the posts will be silly things like this where I try really hard to be funny, and probably fail. But every now and then there will be a serious post if I feel like taking down the humor shield and opening up about something important, interesting, or otherwise emotionally relevant. Also, I make Youtube videos and am starting a band, and I will shamelessly plug them here. Speaking of which...
Warning: your IQ will drop several points if you watch these, but you will also know the nature of true beauty. So you know, choices...


  1. your dad made out with 7 year old jennifer Garner

  2. obligatory "u homo" comment

    haha i'm kidding, it wasn't bad, but knowing ur ADD this'll be one of like 3, maybe 4 tops.

  3. I'm not ADD, just compulsive. But you're probably right, considering I'm commenting on old posts instead of making new ones...
